Most of us have never really considered that we might be important. And truth be told, by typical standards, we aren’t. Only a handful of us ever get to be presidents or generals, or invent or cure something, or become saints for that matter. But that doesn’t mean we aren’t important to someone.
That’s what binds us. We are unquestionably unique, and yet surprisingly similar. And our everyday lives are more important than we may know.
We all have memories—those that make us smile or laugh, others that bring anger or tears, and some that we’d just rather forget. Those memories help to make us who we are today—and in some ways, who we will become tomorrow.
While reflecting upon my past to write Life at 12 College Road, I found that it was not the major earth-shattering events that were truly significant for me. Rather, it was the small things, many long forgotten until recently, that deeply touched me. Sure, some of the memories involve fire trucks, police cars, and hospital visits. But most do not. And if their retelling can help you to connect with similar moments from your own life, well, that is special—and well worth the time in my writing this book and your reading it.
I hope you will consider getting my book. And if you do, then I would suggest that you get yourself a cup of coffee or tea, sit back, get comfortable, and for a brief period of time, join me in a journey down memory lane, where laughter mingles with tears, sorrow turns to joy, and loss almost becomes bearable.
I’m reminded of that quote – People won’t remember what you said or what you did, but they will remember how you made them feel!
This was a wonderful post, Eric. It made me stop and pause on this fine Friday afternoon. We all get wrapped up in what we are trying to accomplish – the places we lack. We very rarely stop to consider the ways we are important and wanted. I’m very much looking forward to reading Life at 12 College Road and am excited to see your website unfold with more pearls of wisdom.
Totally agree, it’s important that we think beyond just ourselves that way we appreciate the role we play in life.